Sunday, June 26, 2011

Reading #1: Part 3

Analysis and impressions continued....

Position 7 - FOUR of WANDS

This place is about me; namely, I as I see myself, as I am, as I present myself, or as I could be.  The Four of Wands represents freedom, excitement, or celebration: "Well done!"  Am I happy, triumphant, liberated, or sociable?  Not especially, but this card can also signify reaching a milestone or graduating, definitely an assumption I have about myself in relation to the issue of pursuing an education.  Is it possible I'm limiting myself by expecting to graduate? Do I even expect to?  Or is the celebratory rejoicing shown here more like what I want or am capable of?

I certainly don't think it's telling me that I'm an overly happy person, but the "taking charge" Magician in Position 1 could certainly support the Four of Wands representing me using my talents or abilities to achieve a degree in graphic design, a feat I am certain I would celebrate!

Position 8 - PAGE of PENTACLES [Reversed]

The environment, or outside influences.  Or how others see me.  The card itself has some resonance for a number of factors.  The whole reason I decided to change majors from Linguistics to Graphic Design has to do with the practicality of learning a (potentially) lucrative trade, not just getting a B.A. in something I like just to have a degree.  Especially, as I see it, as broadly applicable and yet specifically not-very-useful as linguistics.  The Page signifies studiousness, and even more specifically, the study of a "practical, material, or aesthetic" "bankable skill...or a beautiful craft."  To me, graphic design combines all of those things, learning about something because of its tangible applicability.  The Page also represents a "young-at-heart adult whose interactions with [me] involve stability, trust, commitment, safety, and material needs."  Literally all those things apply to G, my partner.

But the card was reversed.  Possible advice in that case, I guess, would include "reconsider the value of this endeavor" and "follow a more productive or lucrative course"!  I thought that's what I was doing!  Is it that an art degree is maybe not as useful as actual hands-on experience in the field? G is definitely a major player in terms of a key role in the situation, but why reversed?  That's somewhat worrisome.  Or perhaps this is a reflection of my general habit of procrastination and lack of studiousness.  Do others see me as a lazy slacker?  Maybe I should take this as a warning to be more diligent in my work habits.

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