Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tarot Journaling

So I’ve been away for a while. I didn’t actually go anywhere specifically, but I’ve been busy with other things for a few months. I’ve written in enough blogs and journals to know I have a pattern of starting these kinds of things in spurts and then stopping for fairly long periods of time. So I’ll save the excuses and apologizing for something else. No one reads this thing anyhow.

Now to the point: I’m going to be using this space for Tarot journaling. I will be writing my questions, recording my impressions of the cards as they appear, analyzing potential meanings, and doing summations here. I still of course have a traditional journal in book form from which I will be transcribing much of what goes on this blog, but I intend to copy over just about everything, save for personally identifying details and names. This endeavor should begin in the next few days, time permitting.

I will mostly be using the Celtic Cross spread and reading for myself (for a long time, if not always). Sometimes I will do smaller readings with just one or two cards, say, as a daily exercise. Also, for the time being or until I get another one, I will be using the fairly standard Universal Waite deck. If you accidentally stumbled across this site through some freak of the internet, or if I sent you the link, I hope you find this blog interesting, informative, or at least enjoyable. So put on your reading glasses, pull up a chair, and… what’s that? You don’t wear glasses? And you’re already sitting down? Okay, then.

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